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Shema, Hear O Israel with tree


Shema, Hear O Israel with tree


Out of stock

Out of stock 15 × 14 × 2 in 2 lbs , , , , , , .


The Shema woodburned by hand on poplar wood.

We have two versions – one uses the word “God” while the other uses the word “Elohim”. Please specify which you want. These are made to order so the piece you get will not look exactly like the photo.

For indoor use only. It is coated with a polycrylic and has a sawtooth hanger on the back.

The dimensions are at least 11 inches tall with a variable width.

Please note we seal this with an indoor polycrylic. If you intend to have your wood outdoors, it will need a polyurethane which we can do for an additional cost – please contact us before purchasing if you want an outdoor sealant.