Welcome to our new website!
Thank you for checking out our new website! I made the first version of countrydandelions.com back in August or September of 2018 when we first launched our business. I was in a need for speed with the development, so picked the first free WordPress theme that looked decent enough and got our products posted and ready for sale. The website worked, it had menus, links, I was happy. But then come January, every time I visited the site, I was not put in a cheery mood. The colors were drab, the layout was not very exciting – I longed for something that made me actually want to browse around for a while. And so I decided to undertake a task that I had no idea would take such a long time to accomplish.
If I was going to redesign this thing, I wanted something pretty, functional, and that had plenty of room for expansion. I spent a few hours looking at different themes – this time venturing into the paid themes rather than free ones. Then I found it…this beauty. I had no idea what a headache it would be to figure out though!
Some of the reviews had stated that people wanted their money back because they had spent months and months and still could not get the thing to work. I ignored those warnings…. I figured I have created about 5 websites already using WordPress, how hard could it really be?
Turns out, all the fanciness I liked about this site came at a WordPress cost. Gone were the few and simple editing menus, and in came options to customize just about anything I wanted. I felt lost in a maze quite a bit.

One question stumped me for a good 3 hours before I finally decided the issue was not with the WordPress theme, but rather something else. So I contacted my trusty BlueHost online chat support. Let me tell you, these guys are great! He said, “give me 5 minutes………ok, check it now, I fixed it.” What stumped me for 3 hours took him 5 minutes. Gotta love tech support!
So here we are, a snazzy new website. What’s more, the redesign has motivated me to do a little more with the website than just post new products. I am going to venture into the world of blogging. Bear with me here, I am a newbie to this. I have read a great many blog posts, but I have never had to organize my thoughts and come up with relevant and interesting things to write about. So we will see where this goes.
Thanks again for checking out this new website – I am excited about it, mainly because I put so many hours into it, and it seems like it actually works. I bet everyone reading can relate to that feeling – getting overwhelmed with some task, thinking it’s nearly impossible, confused, lost, ready to give up…but then there is a breakthrough and you figure it out! Even when the figuring it out part is simply asking the right question to the right person. It’s such a wonderful feeling.

This site is still in the development stage, so if you find any broken links, or things that just don’t make sense, please let me know. You can email me at tracy@countrydandelions.com.