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5×7 Frame – Proverbs 22:6


5×7 Frame – Proverbs 22:6


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Out of stock 11 × 1.5 × 14 in 1.5 lbs , , , .


This is a wood picture frame that holds a 5×7 inch photo (photo shown in pictures for display purposes only, will not be included with purchase). Comes with two wood pegs to stand frame up and holes for hanging on the wall (see images). 3 coats of Kyrlon Satin Finish have been used on the front and 2 coats on the back. Please note that there is no glass or plastic to cover the photo area.

Who else has a ton of photos of their kids? It’s always been my goal to print and get some of them framed. So when I got this wood frame, my first thought was to put a picture of my kid in there. This got me to thinking…”my kid”. Are they really my kids, or are they God’s children and has He simply entrusted me to their upbringing?

“Train up a child in the way he should go.” This is from the Old Testament in Proverbs, so it was originally written in Hebrew. The word “train” is used as a verb in only three other places in the Bible. In each case it refers to dedicating houses (Deuteronomy 20:5; 1 Kings 8:63; 2 Chronicles 7:5).

The words “train up” may actually be not a strong enough transliteration to what the verse is actually implying. The context of this verse suggests an enduring leading of our children to a life with God as the center focus. This is not a passive role that God had given us as parents. He has asked us to dedicate their lives to Him.

As we read the book of Proverbs we are shown the two distinctive ways a person can go – to folly or to wisdom. Let us as parents dedicate our children to God and teach them His laws and ways so that as they become adults, they will be full of wisdom rather than folly.


Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 1.5 × 14 in


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